jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

My Biography

Continuing with presentations, I'll going to introduce myself:
I'm Gabriel, my full name is Gabriel Andrés Cruz Salinas and I've 19 years old, I live in a far country in the South America; Chile. Exactly, in the capital, Santiago. I born on the 13th of July of 1994 in a little hospital in the center of Santiago called "Clinica Madre y Hijo". I don't know if the hospital still here because the city is in a continuous growing and maybe they demolish it.

My personality is a little odd, because sometimes I'm shy and sometimes not, sometimes I'm very active and sometimes I'm a very lazy person.

I studied in a little school in Puente Alto called "Escuela Gabriela" until 2008, after of that, I changed of school to "Complejo Educacional Consolidada" until 2010 when I moved to my last school called "Liceo de Excelencia San Pedro", so I always called with sarcasm and nostalgically "Saint Peter".  Actually I study Public Administration in the University of Chile.
My family is very normal, is made with my father Samuel, my mother Paula and my brother Pablo, I have one cat and two dogs.
In my hobbies, I really like listen music, especially Japanese music like singers like "Kenshi Yonezu" or bands like "Bump of Chicken". Reading the translations of this music help me study more the English.


I don't have any words for tell my life so you can asking any question that you have.
So... see you! 

1 comentario:

  1. Gabo is a good biography, you are a quiet person. You have a girlfriend?
