jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

My favorite movie

This is a hard subject. I don't watch many movies so I can't tell about my really favorite movie but I have a move that I can't leave my head. The movie is called "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", it's very sad and the theme of the movie is about romanticism and love so not is very common but when I watched, I don't forget it.

The movie is about Joel and Clementine, the movie starts with their meet, but it seems that not is the first time that they meet. You can find it watching the rest of the movie.
I can't speak more of this move because I watched at very years ago, but later I can tell the reasons that I find a good movie.
The movie have very good and famous actors like Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. Really deserves the time for watch it.

I like this movie because it show other view of the love in what everything not is happiness all time, not like other movies, and finish with a good idea what love is.
Is very sentimental and good, I recommend it.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

My University Experience

I'll going tell my personal experience this year in the university.

This year I have six subjects, they are very difficult for me. I'll going tell a short description.

One of they is Microeconomics, this subject consist in the principles of economics and give a point of view more specific of this science.
Other subject is Constitutional Laws, this consist in a view more detailed of the constitution, also explain the articles of this fundamental law.
In third place is English III where we learn and apply this idiom.
Theory of Science is other subject that I took this term, this consist in learn science areas like empiricism.
Finally, two subjects that are special because I failed one in the last term and the other is a subject that I took in other faculty of the university. They are "Introduction to the studies of government and public management" and "Ethnographic and Interdisciplinary Discussion".

I don't participate in any extracurricular activities because they took many time

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

My Biography

Continuing with presentations, I'll going to introduce myself:
I'm Gabriel, my full name is Gabriel Andrés Cruz Salinas and I've 19 years old, I live in a far country in the South America; Chile. Exactly, in the capital, Santiago. I born on the 13th of July of 1994 in a little hospital in the center of Santiago called "Clinica Madre y Hijo". I don't know if the hospital still here because the city is in a continuous growing and maybe they demolish it.

My personality is a little odd, because sometimes I'm shy and sometimes not, sometimes I'm very active and sometimes I'm a very lazy person.

I studied in a little school in Puente Alto called "Escuela Gabriela" until 2008, after of that, I changed of school to "Complejo Educacional Consolidada" until 2010 when I moved to my last school called "Liceo de Excelencia San Pedro", so I always called with sarcasm and nostalgically "Saint Peter".  Actually I study Public Administration in the University of Chile.
My family is very normal, is made with my father Samuel, my mother Paula and my brother Pablo, I have one cat and two dogs.
In my hobbies, I really like listen music, especially Japanese music like singers like "Kenshi Yonezu" or bands like "Bump of Chicken". Reading the translations of this music help me study more the English.


I don't have any words for tell my life so you can asking any question that you have.
So... see you!